Thursday, January 8, 2009

Music and Movement

In my opinion, music is almost always accompanied by movement in our lives. Without these two components, either one or the other would be affected. As I have stated in my previous blog, I am an organist. I play the organ almost every Sunday at St. Paul's the Apostle Catholic Church as well as accompany the Spanish choir at ORS. Both music and movements play roles in my playing. Usually while I play the organ I tend to move in rhythm to the music. Some musicians tend to sway back and forth more than others; some to much. I tend not to move as much because of I am concentrating on the pedals while both looking at music and playing the left and right hand on different manuals. However, switching to the piano, I tend to move more because I am so withdrawn in the music. Not only does it affect me emotionally, but it affects me physically as well. Otherwise, when I play or listen to music around my house, I sit and listen as opposed to moving around. Although I sit still, the music still makes me want to move. Music is usually linked to movement depending on the music, what mood I am in, and my surroundings. Sometimes it is and at other times it is not. I get lost and let the music take me away because of the way it makes me feel and move. Yes, the music and the movements are fundamentally linked in some way. They are linked emotionally because once you get lost in the music, your emotions take over your body, soul, and mind. In some types of music, either one of these components sometimes take precedence over the other; not in every music. For example, when I dance either merrengue, bachata, salsa, or reggaeton, I let the rhythm of the music affect my movement and body. If either one of them were divorced from the other, it would affect the other one. For instance, the music would not change, but the movement would because of how it affects you depending on the situation. You are not going to go dancing around when there is not any music playing! At least, I wouldn't! To rap this all up, music is a very important aspect of my life. Without it, I would not be complete. I love to dance to many kinds and types of music whenever there is chance. To put in smaller words, whenever I have the opportunity, I go for it!<3

1 comment:

  1. I think that you did a great job by transcending from how your church music affects your movement through spiritual connection, to how music makes you move outside of church like the radio,for instance. I think we both can agree that it is the music that ties everything together combining your faith, emotions, and physical ability to move or should I say, let the music move you.
